
Euroradio image
Euroradio image
Information Minister Aliaksandr Karlyukevich tells Euroradio the changes in the media law draft will be 'big'.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The Chernobyl March 2018 rally from the beginning till the end in 20 pictures from Euroradio.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The authorities allowed a mourning manifestation from the cinema house Kastrycnik to the Chernobyl Chapel in Arlouskaya Street.
They did it! Did they really?
They did it! Did they really?
Euroradio verifies progress as shown in the state TV's film “We did it together” after Lukashenka's State of the Nation address.
File photo: president.gov.by
File photo: president.gov.by
"I sent reliable units with automatic rifles to execute bandits who murdered people on the Moscow-Berlin highway in the 1990s."
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The address will start at the Oval Hall of the Seat of Government at 10.30 a.m
Chernobyl March 2017. Photo: Euroradio
Chernobyl March 2017. Photo: Euroradio
The demonstrators are permitted to walk walk towards Bangalore Square from the Kastrycnik cinema near the Academy of Sciences.
Ukraine's National Security Council Head Olexandr Turchinov and Belarus President Aliaksandr Lukashenka in 2014. Photo: UNIAN
Ukraine's National Security Council Head Olexandr Turchinov and Belarus President Aliaksandr Lukashenka in 2014. Photo: UNIAN
The Belarus leader is quoted as promising Ukraine's top security official to warn him about the Russian invasion 24 hours ahead.'
Organizers of Chernobyl March 2018. Photo: Euroradio
Organizers of Chernobyl March 2018. Photo: Euroradio
The political campaign seeks to stop the construction of the nuclear power plant in the Astraviec district in western Belarus.