
March of pensioners in Minsk on October 19 / Photo: Euroradio​
March of pensioners in Minsk on October 19 / Photo: Euroradio​
Safiya Mikhailauna called our short number * 5050 and told about the 1990s and the hope that Belarus will survive.
Window in the TDF cell / Euroradio​
Window in the TDF cell / Euroradio​
In Zhodzina, prisoners are not allowed out of their cells without masks. In Baranavichy, 120 were in cell designed for 10.
Protesting medics / Anton Matolka telegtam-chanel
Protesting medics / Anton Matolka telegtam-chanel
They stood facing the wall with their hands up.
Minsk November 22, 2020 / Euroradio
Minsk November 22, 2020 / Euroradio
The armed people in black just didn't know what to do.
Photo from Euroradio's listeners
Photo from Euroradio's listeners
Thousands attend the funeral of Raman Bandarenka.
Students at a protest in Minsk / BelaPAN via REUTERS
Students at a protest in Minsk / BelaPAN via REUTERS
Belarus never observed its obligations in the Bologna Process but the events of this autumn have crossed all the lines.
Medical workers protesting in August 2020 / Euroradio​
Medical workers protesting in August 2020 / Euroradio​
"We no longer have the moral strength to remain in the old format of calls for sanity via video appeals and signature collection."
The Zhadzeyeu family /
The Zhadzeyeu family /
For their birthday, the children drew a poster with the words “I want to live in Belarus without violence”.
Sunday March in Minsk on November 8, 2020 / Euroradio
Sunday March in Minsk on November 8, 2020 / Euroradio
On the 92nd day of protests, Minsk was occupied by people in black who detained, beat, dragged peaceful protesters.