
The Bonn International Center for Conversion has released its 2019 militarisation index.
Ihar Marzaliuk/ BELTA
Ihar Marzaliuk/ BELTA
MP Ihar Marzalyuk says "it would be right and in allied manner" to do so in the year of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.
Pathetic Fake / Unique Original​
Pathetic Fake / Unique Original​
Russia will organize events in Belarus "to resist the falsification of history" and "to promote spiritual community."
Information Minister Aliaksandr Karliukevich / Euroradio
Information Minister Aliaksandr Karliukevich / Euroradio
State TV channels in Belarus are ordered to have at least 30% of Belarusian content in the monthly programming output.
Chinese tourists in Belarus /
Chinese tourists in Belarus /
Belarus freezes tourism deals with China over coronavirus, could resume normal business in May if the outbreak is localized now.
Scandinavians, Poles, Brits? What kind of tourists does Belarus expect in 2020?
Russian Ministry of Culture in Moscow / TASS
Russian Ministry of Culture in Moscow / TASS
Russia plans to organize several events in Belarus to mark 75 years since victory in World War II.
Belarus temporarily bans its national flag carrier from flying over Iran and Iraq following the Ukrainian plane crash in Teheran.
This dog was terrified by petards and ran away from his owners / Euroradio
This dog was terrified by petards and ran away from his owners / Euroradio
New Year's Eve fireworks may be a joy for many people but become hell for terrified household pets.