Sanctions against Belarus
Belaruskali, sample photo
Andrei Rybakou will continue to fight for the lifting of Western sanctions.
Street camera, sample image /
The Belarusian company is creating a centralized tracking and identification system in Venezuela under its brand KIPOD.
Grodno Azot /
The products were sold under the guise that they were made in Turkmenistan.
Unilever owns many famous brands /
British company has sold its business in Russia and Belarus
Another important investor has left the country / Euroradio
It happened after its long-term partner came under EU sanctions.
A line of trucks at the border / @gpkgovby
"The situation on the country's western borders remains difficult," the Belarus Customs Committee says.
Belaruskali remains under sanctions.
The European Court of Justice concludes that the arguments of the Belarusian side are insufficient.
World Anti-Doping Agency WADA, sample photo / Reuters
Last year, the country had to pay WADA 46,032 dollars, this year - 49,340 dollars.
"The time when we went to the Akropolis is remembered as the Paleozoic" / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё
With second-hand shops under EU sanctions, Belarusians ask questions about broader issues.