Sanctions against Belarus
"The time when we went to the Akropolis is remembered as the Paleozoic" / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё
With second-hand shops under EU sanctions, Belarusians ask questions about broader issues.
Is Lukashenka's regime trying to establish contacts with the West? /
They were invited to the international conference on combating illegal migration in the region.
MAZ management promises more and more buses /
It will also be used to produce "third-generation" buses.
There are over 1,400 political prisoners in Belarus / shutterstock / Fanni_2021
He spoke about it at a recent meeting dedicated to Belarus' Independence Day.
The "blocklist" will include 1402 items. /
The changes are expected to go into effect by the end of August.
BKG2 electric locomotive /
Chinese electric locomotives have a lot of components imported from the West. Are the sanctions working?
Belarusians in Lithuania face increasing restrictions / @rubanau_collage
Belarusians have thoughts of leaving Lithuania
Salt / Звязда
Mozyrsalt is one of Europe's largest salt producers.
Belarusian sweets / Euroradio
Bringing almost any food and drink from Belarus to Lithuania is no longer possible.