
"Young patriots" 

"Young patriots"  /

The boys and girls were dressed in military uniforms.
Дмитрий Шевцов на оккупированной территории Украины / АТН
Dzmitry Shautsou in the occupied territory of Ukraine / ATN
Diplomatic passport, money from the President's Administration and love for Mother Russia.
RDC has been criticized for its ties with the authorities and for good reason.
House of Representatives / @housegovby
House of Representatives / @housegovby
The House of Representatves pass the amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure in two readings.
Raman Halouchanka got interested in digital security and artificial intelligence / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Raman Halouchanka got interested in digital security and artificial intelligence / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
The PM is determined to defend digitally, as long as database trade with Russia is going on.
A Belarusian MP's bank account had a huge sum deposited there.
Law enforcers should have stood at the famous door of GUBOPIK  / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Law enforcers should have stood at the famous door of GUBOPIK  / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Interior Ministry reads Euroradio and BelaPAN on Twitter but the police are looking aside
Pancake Day, organized by self-government body #127
Pancake Day, organized by self-government body #127
Self-governing used to be allowed to organize backyard events, but now it's not. However, it is its job to organize them.
Alena Leuchanka at a protest in Minsk / Photo from social media
Alena Leuchanka at a protest in Minsk / Photo from social media
Belarusian basketball star comments on the latest measures by sport officials who want more control over athletes.