
Belarus president says he is dissatisfied with delays in the development of Minsk City project.

Homel city council took such decision.

Ministry of Agriculture increases spending on business trips in the Savings Year, while other departments seem to cut their foreign travel budgets.

Career Army Major-General Alyaksandr Myazhueu becomes the head of Belarus' Security Council.

The Belarusian President will visit a number of enterprises undergoing modernisation soon.

The head of Minsk province Barys Batura loses his post to become the director of Borisovdrev wood-processing factory over modernization failure.

The top managers at Belarus' oil company Belarusneft will work as fuel station attendants and cashiers on October 27.

The Belarus president on Wednesday conducted a meeting dedicated to social and economic issues.

The Administration for cinema art suffered the most, the administration for arts and economists - the least.