
Activist Pavel Vinahradau reckons he may be fined again for staging an unauthorized picket.
Applications for them were filed by the local activists of the United Civil Party.
The independence of the Belarusian People’s Republic was declared on March 25, 1918.
Party members believe authorities dawdle in anticipation of the abolition of visa restrictions.
The right-center coalition of opposition forces says it will cover 80% of constituencies during parliamentary elections.
The subpoena has been sent to Vitsebsk but he is registered in Minsk.
Alyaksandr Makayeu and Maksim Vinyarski got a fine at a trial in Minsk's Maskouski District Court on Tuesday.
The rally in Navapolack seems to have attracted more entrepreneurs than in Minsk, judging by the photo.
Protesters walked with a white-red-white flag to the House of the Government during an unauthorized rally in downtown Minsk.