
Entrepreneurs chanted "Give Us Labor!" at an impromptu rally in front of regional administration headquarters in Homel.
Italian artist Millo embodied the idea of great love in his mural "Everywhere I go".
The rally in Navapolack seems to have attracted more entrepreneurs than in Minsk, judging by the photo.
Protesters walked with a white-red-white flag to the House of the Government during an unauthorized rally in downtown Minsk.
Three robbers entered the shop, told the sales-assistant to lie down on the floor, stole jewels and fled.
The Assembly of NGOs has awarded eth laureates of the prize Civil Society Champions.
This year’s music festival known as January Musical Evening lasted for 4 days.
Teachers are prepared properly and can teach children in their native language - only the desire of parents matters here.
Ivan, a recent Economics faculty graduate, gets part of his economist's salary in sausage and milk at a farm in Belarus.