
Belarus Association of Journalists chairperson says administrative prosecution of freelance reporter is politically motivated.
The main state newspaper in Belarus describes Alexievich's critics as 'little red men from the ranks of pseudo-democrats.'

It will be part of Anatol Lyabedzka’s pre-election pickets.

They have been accused of working for foreign mass media without accreditation.

The head of Belarusian State TV and Radio Company Henadz Davydzka reckons every medium serves some purpose, sticks to a certain editorial policy.

Administrative case has been launched against the independent outlet. The newspaper faces a fine of 90 million (500 base units).

She will stand trial for making a report for foreign mass media.

He has been accused of working for a foreign mass media without accreditation again.

Ales Lyauchuk has been accused of cooperation with foreign mass media without accreditation again.