Slonimskaya newspaper accused of insulting Alyaksandr Lukashenka

Administrative case has been launched against the Slonim newspaper for insulting the head of state. The independent outlet is accused of "spreading false information discrediting the honor and dignity of the President of the Republic of Belarus."

On August 5, chief editor Viktar Valadashchuka was summoned to Slonim police department. He was told that the reason for the case was the article "The voice of the village. The main thing is that the president is good at talking." It was a survey of residents of Slonim region villages about the elections. Mr Valadashchuk was not told what exactly the authorities did not like in the article. He, in turn, said that he was not yet ready to give explanations about the case.

In an interview with Euroradio, Mr Valadashchuk said that despite the troubles, the newspaper was preparing the next issue.

Mr Valadashchuk: "Well, what do we do - we are going to work, to produce the next issue. We had an editorial meeting, and we decided to continue. There will be another meeting, law enforcement agencies will be dealing with our case. I do not know what conclusion they will come to. Most likely, of course, the case will be submitted to the court, and the court will decide what to do with us - did we or did we not break or violate an article of the Administrative Code."

If the editorial staff is found guilty, it could face a fine of up to 90 million rubles (500 base units).
