Russian opposition

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Ismail Nalgiyev /
Ismail Nalgiyev /
Ismail Nalgiyev was detained at the Minsk Airport on May 8. His lawyer has not managed to prevent the deportation.

Between 44 to 70 thousand people attended the march to commemorate the murdered opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in Moscow.

About 40 people took part in the action of solidarity with Putin critic Alexei Navalnyi and his brother.

People went to Manezhnaya Square on Tuesday evening.

A few thousand people have demanded the resignation of the Russian government.

The action Peace March was held in Moscow and Saint Petersburg on September 21.

Five young people were arrested on Ukraine Independence Day.

Prominent Russian dissident Valeria Novodvorskaya died on July 12 at the age of 65.

The incident occurred in Manezhnaya Square on April 7.