Work in the World

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Belarusians in Poland work mainly in the IT industry /, sample photo /

Belarusians in Poland work mainly in the IT industry /, sample photo / /

The vast majority of them work in IT and communication.
Almost 7% of Belarusians went to work in Russia in 2019.

The trade unions demand to increase workers’ wages. The underground administration is refusing to do it.

Within 6 months of 2015, Ukrainians have filed 77% of all asylum applications in our country.

The Federal Labour Service has suggested following Belarus’ example.

44 out of 673 bus routes will be available in the British capital on January 13.

'Illegal' workers from Ukraine will not be allowed to work in Russia after January 1, 2015, Russian Prime Minister Dzmitry Medvedev says.

The German Chancellor would rather see Great Britain leave the EU than reach a compromise in the free labour market issue, Spiegel reports.

The German airline has cancelled October 20 flights.