Belarus EU

He also considers Belarus an important element in building a secure Europe.

EU's Deputy Secretary General for the External Action Service, Helga Schmid, is already in Minsk.

The Belarusian leader may go to the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga.

Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs Uladzimir Makei announced it when he met Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs.

On February 11, talks between leaders of Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia are held in the Palace of Independence in Minsk.

The Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs has attended the Security Conference in Munich.

Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei will visit Berlin and Munich during a four-day visit to Germany to boost business and trade contacts.

The West could leave visa sanctions in place but also provide new loans.

They are caused by recent anti-Belarusian statements in Russia.