Makei: We will not fulfill anyone’s demands

The Belarusian and Latvian Foreign Minister met on February 19.

Belarus considers its participation in the Eastern Partnership summit ‘as a way to normalize relations with the EU’, Makei said.

The Belarusian Foreign Minister also answered the question whether Belarus was ready to fulfill the European Union’s demands connected with democracy and civil rights.

“We are not going to fulfill anyone’s demands. We have our Constitution, international commitments and we will stick to these rules. There are problems but they need to be solved with the help of an equal dialogue instead of conflicts,” Uladzimir Makei claimed.

The approach to the EaP member should be differentiated, he believes. Different states have different goals: some want to join the EU soon, others would like to join the EU in the future and still others just want to normalize relations with the European Union. The EU needs to look for mutually acceptable formats of cooperation, Makei thinks.
