Belarus FM Makei speaks about planned visit to EU countries

Journalists talked with Foreign Minister of Belarus Uladzimir Makey. He spoke of "peacekeeping mission of Belarus" and also said that he spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel when he met her at the airport.

Makey said that there are planned a number of visits to the EU, as well as the number of visits of the EU foreign ministers to Belarus. He also spoke about the organization of the summit. According to Makey, it became known on Sunday that it will be held in Minsk and it had to be organized in a short time. Everything was done based on the experience of CIS summits and experience from the Soviet era, said Makey. Some points in working with foreign colleagues for the Belarusian side "were new".

Uladzimir Makey told reporters that the foreign ministers of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine had been in Minsk for the second day. They held talks on February 10 until late at night.

The Foreign Minister spoke at the Palace of Independence with the independent press and was friendly.
