Beltelecom eyes equipment to block websites

Belarus' state-owned communications giant Beltelecom has launched a tender for the purchase of hardware and software that blocks websites, collects and stores information about users visiting those sites.

The tender was announced on Friday, May 15. But so far no applications have been received. According to Beltelekam, the cost of the equipment is not given, as there are waiting for proposals.

A new media legislation has come into force in, which allows to block sites for violations. It has already happened this year, but nobody assumed the responsibility for them, they were presented as a a technical failure.

Internet service providers have long had the technical possibility to block sites, but they did so only for government agencies and educational institutions. Now websites can be blocked for all users in Belarus. Several sites, mostly drug-related, have already been put on this list. However, the sites are being blocked by the providers. Now, apparently, Beltelekam is buying its own equipment.

Incidentally, recently two more sites received the first warning - Radio Racyja and Svabodny Regiyon (Free Region).

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