
Two hooligans were detained after attacking the activists collecting signatures for Movement for Freedom's Yuras Hubarevich.
Belarus' deputy Foreign Minister comments on NATO's recent decision to deploy four battalions in the east.
104 representatives of opposition parties now have their nominating groups registered for the parliamentary elections.
United Civil Party (UCP) has the highest number of registered nominating groups among the opposition parties.
Poland's Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski says there are positive changes in Belarus' stance towards NATO member states.
Belarus' top Central Election Commission official Lidziya Yarmoshyna attended a conference on media freedom on July 4 in Berlin.
Belarus does not want any tension buildup in the region, said Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei during his official visit to Latvia
The head of Belarus' National Assembly upper chamber, Mikhail Myasnikovich says the forum could be organized in Mink in 2017.
This question and the opposition’s goal have been disused in the joint project of ePramova and Euroradio.