
Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei says in Moscow that West's sanctions and Russia's counter-sanctions cost Belarus $1 billion.
Belarus Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei held a news conference in Moscow.
Belarus' Foregn Minister Uladzimir Makei rebuts 'anti-Russian' accusations at a news conference in Moscow.
Alyaksei Yanukevich, Vital Rymasheuski and Anatol Shumchanka have been summoned to court.
The Belarusian delegation was headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna.
Dmitry Kiselyov will give a press conference in Minsk on April 7.
A meeting dedicated to Belarus-Europe relations was held on Tuesday.
It will discuss all areas of our country's cooperation with the EU
The head of the EU office in Belarus said that the abolition of sanctions by Brussels is a certain credit of trust for Belarus.