
Ukrainians have marked the day of their national costume and Belarusians put on their embroidery shirts to express solidarity.
The Airbus was heading for Cairo from Paris. There were 66 people on board.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Justice wants the pilot to be extradited to Ukraine.
The EuroAsian Interstate Council and EurAsEC PMs will gather in Russia on April 13.
The Belarusians are suspected members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect banned in Europe.
The Syrian Army has freed the city from terrorists of the Islamic State. The damage done to Palmira has not been assessed yet.
There are no Belarus nationals on the list of Brussels attack victims, according to Belgian MFA's anti-crisis center.
President Lukashenka expressed condolences to King Philippe of Belgium, the people of Belgium and relatives of terror victims.
Belarus' state security agency KGB says it is checking if Belarus-born Doubash brothers could be involved in the Brussels attacks.