
The Minister of Internal Affairs has commented on the detention of oppositionists for Euroradio.
The case papers need to be completed, the court decided after the first hearing.
People in plain clothes on Tuesday evening came to Maxim Vinyarski’s door and demanded to open his apartment.
The regional affiliate of the Belarusian Social-Democratic Party (Hramada) seeks to stage a social protest rally on May 7.
Prominent civil activist Vyachaslau Siuchyk will stand trial for ‘petty hooliganism’ and ‘disobedience to the police.’
The opposition politician’s phone number was blocked on April 29 when law-enforcement officials arrested the money on his account.
A Minsk court found UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka guilty of violating the procedure of mass events organization.
Customs officials thoroughly inspected the politician's car when he was crossing border from Poland back into Belarus.
The opposition candidates could have good chances to win if fair vote count was ensured, according to Mikola Statkevich.