
Maria Kalesnikava, Euroradio
Maria Kalesnikava, Euroradio
Last year, the rainbow flag on the British Embassy building drew emotional comments from Belarus Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich.
The vehicle with the moving wall is meant to disrupt street riots / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
The vehicle with the moving wall is meant to disrupt street riots / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Belarusian manufacturers exhibit the Rubezh moving wall operated by a riot police vehicle.
The torch has been lit in Rome and brought to eight European countries so far.
Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
The city authorities did not allow a separate manifestation by pro-Russian activists.
Belarus Ambassador Kiryl Rudy and China Development Bank Chairman Zhao Huan signed the loan agreement on 24 April.
Here's what designers have for us this year
Nina Bahinskaya in court / /
Nina Bahinskaya in court / /
Nina Bahinskaya, on a hunger strike since Friday, was awarded a $610 fine for a protest against the removal of crosses in Kurapaty
Mikalai Statkevich was detained prior to the protest against the removal of the people's memorial crosses in Kurapaty.
Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
More than 100 people brought candles, prayed and discussed the removal of the crosses before joining a cross procession.