Convicted silent protesters transported from Minsk to Zhodzina

People imprisoned in Akrestina Street in Minsk for the silent actions of July 3 and 6 were delivered to Zhodzina prison #8 yesterday evening. Nasta, a member of the initiative group sending parcels to the detained, has informed Euroradio about it. According to her, political prisoners managed to inform that they were being made to leave their prison cells with their belongings yesterday. Then a column of police vans and convoy set off from the detention centre. Activists managed to track out that they were heading for Zhodzina. One of the officers said that lists of people transported to Zhodzina would have to appear in the local Department of the Interior.

Members of the initiative group and the convicts’ relatives are heading for Zhodzina now. According to Nasta, a police car overtook them some time ago. It was probably transporting the last political prisoners – there were six of them in Akrestsina in the morning.