12:06 Democratic activists to organize a picket in Homel on April 26

Homel democratic activists lodged an appeal to the City Executive committee on April 9. They were asking for permission to organize a picket dated for the anniversary of Chernobyl Disaster. They are going to express their protest against the construction of an atomic power plant in Belarus and to draw people’s attention to the consequences of the disaster that happened 21 years ago.

According to one of the organizers of the picket, member of the Belarusian Communist Party Maria Bahdanovich, activists are going to hold the Chernobyl meeting in front the recreation center “Vipra” belonging to the local community of deaf people.

It is the only place in the city where the authorities sometimes allow organizing this kind of meetings, says Ms. Bahdanovish.

It may even seem logical – the deaf cannot be disturbed by pickets.