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Vycinanka, sample photo / alchemy-options.com
Belarusian women create wonderful works / nastgaz.by
Marc Chagall, 97, at a retrospective of his paintings, July 6, 1984 / Pierre Vauthey/Sygma/Sygma праз Getty Images
The Berlin Wall / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё
Education officials saw "a certain imbalance" / pixabay.com
Yury Vorsa / t.me/agentstvonews
The design of the monument to Barbara Radziwill and Sigismund Augustus / www.facebook.com/VrublevskiuBiblioteka
Portable anti-tank rocket launcher / wikipedia.org
Swedish Parliament held a debate on granting asylum to Belarusian refugees / riksdagen.se
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