Alyaksandr Zdzvіzhkou: I thought they would send me to prison

ERB talked to a journalist Alyaksandr Zdzvizhkou several hours after he had been released. That is what he said about the circumstances of his today’s release from the confinement cell in Valadarski Street:

- The procedure of my release started at 1.05 p.m. They made me leave the prison cell with all my belongings. I did not know where they would take me – to some other cell or to the Republican hospital to continue the course of treatment or they were hurrying to send me to prison after the hearing… I gave back my mattress and the state property. They drew up my personal case and then drove me to the railway station in a closed car. I think it was done to avoid a festive meeting.

- How did you find out what was the Supreme Court’s decision?

- I was given a document about three days ago. I put my signature under the statement that my complaint would be considered by the Supreme Court on February 22 at about 10 a.m. So I was waiting for it. However, I was not allowed to meet my lawyer or anyone else.  Nevertheless, I was waiting for it.

Let us remind you that Alyaksandr Zdzvіzhkou was sentenced to three years of imprisonment for “arousing religious animosity” in December, 2007 (he allowed to reprint cartoons of Prophet Mohammed in “Zhoda”). The Supreme Court has changed the term to three months today. Zdzvizhkou has already served this sentence.