Astrologist: Lukashenka to step down after elections

Famous astrologist Igor Kalamiyets forecasts deterioration of the relations with Russia and more stringent repressions against the opposition. Pavel Globa forecasts stability and new unions with Asian countries. Famous Russian astrologists Igor Kalamiyets and Pavel Globa have offered their forecasts for 2010 to the European Radio for Belarus.

Igor Kalamiyets is convienced that this year Belarus will face hard times associated with the deterioration of the relations with Russia and more stringent repressions against the opposition. He also says that Lukashenka might step down after the presidential elections.

“Relations between Belarus and Russia will deteriorate, despite the fact that the leaders of the two countries keep talking about the Union State. The Union State project will be most likely closed down after the elections. I and my astrology colleagues from Ukraine and Russia say that the regime of Lukashenka will most likely collapse. Therefore, there will be harsh repressions against the dissent and the deterioration of the domestic economic situation. This will be visible already this summer”.

But astrologist Pavel Globa offers a more optimistic forecast for our head of the state. He reckons that Alexander Lukashenka will remain at the post of the president for around 10 years mores.

“Nothing will change in 2010. The life of Belarus is absolutely stable. Today, Alexander Lukashenka impersonates the Belarusian politics. The politics in Belarus will never change as long as Lukashenka remains in power for at least 10 years more. There will be an equal interaction both with the West and Russia. Perhaps, it is because Belarus is in the center of Europe. I think Belarus will have cooperation and unions with the countries who have no immediate borders with Belarus. Most likely, there will be new unions with Far East or Central Asia or the countries from the Middle East.

Pavel Globa advises all the Belarusians to stick to the main national tradition which is to wait, endure and survive in 2010.