
His sentence is considered to be part of the long term campaign of persecution of civil activists.

Barack Obama has informed the Congers about the actions of ‘some Belarusian officials undermining democratic processes.

The steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy will gather in the Tractor Plant Palace of Culture on June 13.

Prakapenka’s wage is considered to be one of the biggest in colony.

Alexander Surikov announced it at a press conference in Minsk.

The Russian elite decided to help Lukashenka to "comfortably win the elections."

Belarus' Central Election Commission proposes to hold the presidential election on October 11 - one month earlier than previously planned.

Belarusian diplomat also said that the Minsk Agreement is "the only effective mechanism for the resolution of the situation" in eastern Ukraine.

Foreign Minister denies rumors about 'a change of foreign policy vectors.'