
Washington seeks to improve relations with Belarus but continues to criticize Minsk for its poor human rights record.

The political prisoner' term will be over in less than a month.

Eduard Lobau, recognized by Amnesty International as a political prisoner, walks out free after spending four years in prison in Belarus.

Belarusian capital will once again become the place for discussions of Donbas events.

Russian Ambassador in Minsk Alexander Surikov gave a news conference in Minsk to discuss cooperation between Minsk and Moscow.

Political scientist Yury Shautsou has expressed the opinion in an interview with Euroradio.

The Belarus president today held the meeting of the Belarus' Security Council to discuss challenges to national security.

The young activism legend leaves the capital city to stay with his father to avoid ending up in a 'detox facility' ahead of the presidential polls.

It will let her find out what investigators have been doing for 15 years.