
A civil funeral is taking place in the Sakharov Centre in Moscow.

He was murdered in the centre of Moscow on February 28 night. The killers have not been found so far.

About 50 thousand people joined the action in central Moscow in memory of the murdered Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.

He was beaten and intimidated after the arrest, Aleksei Goncharenko said.

Between 44 to 70 thousand people attended the march to commemorate the murdered opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in Moscow.

The Ukrainian pilot’s health condition has dramatically deteriorated – she has been refusing from injections of glucose for more than two weeks.

This question is not on the agenda of the next UN Security Council meeting.

Igor Shuvalov was a tankman in the so-called ‘LPR’ and was severely wounded in Debaltsevo.

The Russian President is not going to stick to Minsk agreements, the former Ukrainian President announced.