Ministries’ parking lots photographed on Car-Free Day in Minsk

Як выглядаюць паркоўкі ля міністэрстваў у звычайны дзень і ў Дзень без аўто

The international Car-Free Day is traditionally marked on September 22. Drivers are encouraged to use public transport on this day.


Drivers were allowed to use public transport for free in Minsk on that day. Let us check if officials from the Ministries of Nature, Transport and Energy made use of the right and compare the photos of the Ministries’ parking lots on Car-Free Day and on ordinary days.

There were only 3 cars parked near the Ministry of Nature on September 22. 5 cars were parked there the day before. Two deputy Ministers used the metro, the Ministry press service reports. The Minister of Nature was on a business trip.

However, there were a lot of cars near the Ministries of Transport and Communications– like on any other day.

One could notice many cars near the Ministry of Energy too. World Car-Free Day made no difference.

Каля Міністэрства транспарту і камунікацый — цэлы шэраг машын. Столькі ж было і ў звычайны дзень.
Перад Белэнерга — таксама вялікі шэраг аўтамабіляў. Як у звычайны дзень, так і ў Дзень без аўтамабіля.