
Around 1000 people attended the traditional opposition-staged rally in Minsk on Saturday to mark the anniversary of 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Up to a thousand people are taking part in the action that will end with a meeting in Bangalore Square.

The opposition Movement for Freedom proposes to organize the Independence March on May 14 together with pro-government supporters.

Hrodna residents Vadzim Saranchukou and Mikola Lemyanouski saw their applications to organize Chernobyl-related pickets on April 26 turned down.

The name of the UCP presidential candidate will be announced at a party assembly.

The organizers wanted to change the traditional itinerary but their application was not approved.

Andrus Tsanyuta, Natallya Kryvashei and Stas Buly will stand trials in Homel's Central District Court on April 17.

The head of Belarusian Intellectuals Council tells Euroradio his opinion about the next presidential election in Belarus.

Chernobyl March is organized annually by pro-democracy forces since late 1980s to mark the anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster.