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Leaving a dog in a cage or on a leash for a long time is also cruelty / Euroradio
Leaving a dog in a cage or on a leash for a long time is also cruelty / Euroradio
People have inhibitions and lack education. But some are just saddists.
The wedding of dog trainers in Baranavichy /
The wedding of dog trainers in Baranavichy /
They had special costumes made for the celebration.
This dog was terrified by petards and ran away from his owners / Euroradio
This dog was terrified by petards and ran away from his owners / Euroradio
New Year's Eve fireworks may be a joy for many people but become hell for terrified household pets.
Anthrax was found on a horse but the nidus of the infection has been liquidated, officials have said.
Local authorities in Haradok District fear the African swine flu 'virus may have penetrated from the territory of Russia.
Belarus is the only country among our neighbours that organizes tournaments for animals in a U-shaped artificial burrow.
Only owners are allowed inside the cabs along with their pets for pet-friendly taxi rides in Minsk's new service.
The first public sector animal hotel will soon open in Minsk.

Cruelty to animals will result in arrest or correctional work and imprisonment for repeated violations.