Neklyaev had to have power of attorney in order to pass "people's truth"

Vladimir Neklyaev the leader of the Say the Truth! campaign brought on Monday some 50 poscards from the people repersenting all the regions of the country to the Presidential Administration. The poet told Euroradio that the Post refused to accept those postcards because of the contents.

Vladimir Neklyaev:
“These postcards that I have picked say the truth about the conditions people live in. I have actually a huge bag of postcards. Only from one house in Salihorski I received 30 postcards. People there allegedly live in a house, but in reality they live outdoors. People also write about high prices, low wages and pensions. Many people write that something needs to be changed in this country. They want everything thay watch on TV or hear on the radio or read in newspapers to match with the real life”.

Neklyaev was allowed to enter the reception room of the Presidential Administration. Even journalists were allowed to enter the building along with the poet but were stopped short of the metal detectors. The poet moved forward to the department which deals with complaints from citizens. But returned back soon, holding the same postcards in his hands. Piotr Katushkin, the head of department, explained that his office deals only with personal requests from citizens. Neklyev was allegedly expected to have a legally registered power of attorney from every author of postcards.

Euroradio asked Katushkin how the pro-governmental youth organization BRSM would deliver their postcards to the Presidential Administration. BRSM is trying to take over the initiative from Neklyaev by launching their action titled "Pose a Question to the President".

“Are they going to get a power of attorney from each author?”

Piotr Katushkin:
“No, they will send them by post. They never bring, they send by post and that's it”

Still inside the building of the presidential administration, Neklyaev wrote a letter to Lukashenka, complaining that his staff refused to accept requests from citizens to the head of the state. He also wrote that he would inform all those people who sent their postcards about what has happened with their requests. He also said the postcards would be sent by post with the registered mail, and the office of the president would have to respond anyway under the law.

Актывісты кампаніі далей за вахцёра не здолелі прайсці. А паштоўкі, паводле словаў Міхася Пашкевіча, у іх прыняў галоўны вахцёр будынку.


Photo: Zmitser Lukashuk