Participants of "silent solidarity actions" summoned to KGB

Activist of the BCD steering committee Katsiaryna Sliadzeuskaya has been summoned to KGB for a conversation in Brest, BelaPAN informs. KGB agents informed this by calling her mother on her mobile. 

This is the second case of the kind in Brest. KGB have already talked to the BCD activist Artsiom Palachanin on June 16. 

In Vaukavysk, nine students of the local pedagogical college were also summoned to KGB. According to the web-site "Viasna", all of them were detained on June 15 among the participants of the silent protest action "Revolution through social networks". KGB agents "invited" them for a conversation through the administration of the educational establishment. They visited the college's adminstration the day before and studied personal files of the participants of the action.