Repressions in Belarus

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International Criminal Court.

International Criminal Court. / Everett Collection / East News

Belarusian human rights defenders have submitted evidence collected by the National Anti-Crisis Management.
There are over 1,200 political prisoners in Belarus

There are over 1,200 political prisoners in Belarus /

81 of them are in serious condition, according to human rights activists.
About 20 truckers were detained at the border in Belarus

About 20 truckers were detained at the border in Belarus / @gpkgovby

Drivers' cell phones were checked for likes and subscriptions to "extremist" resources.
Political Prisoner Viktar Babaryka

Political Prisoner Viktar Babaryka / Telegram

He was allowed to record a video message and write letters to his loved ones.
Vycinanka, sample photo

Vycinanka, sample photo /

The Belarusian Vycinanka was added to the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List.
The Berlin Wall 

The Berlin Wall  / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

A German built an airplane and wanted to fly from the GDR to the West. But ended up in prison. How did he buy it back?
Til Schweiger 

Til Schweiger  /

Actor Til Schweiger wrote an apology for his trip to Belarus on Instagram.
There are about 1,300 political prisoners in Belarus 

There are about 1,300 political prisoners in Belarus  /

Previously, the International Humanitarian Fund was supported by Norway and Sweden.
Viktar Babaryka

Viktar Babaryka

His prison conditions seriously deteriorated in February 2023.