Russia lifts ban on production supply from three Belarusian enterprises

Ban on the supply of products to Russia was lifted from the three Belarusian companies - Zhlobin and Homel meat-packing plants, Vitsebsk broiler farm. This decision was taken on Thursday, 11 December. It was announced by Director of the Department for Veterinary and Food Control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Vasil Pivavar, BELTA reports.

According to the official, meat and poultry plants were inspected by Belarusian specialists. Agricultural complex Skidelsky and poultry farm Svitanak are still under inspection, the Russian side receives all the necessary documentation. Vasil Pivavar believes that "in the coming days the issues will be gradually solved". However, it is still unknown when supplies to Russia from other Belarusian enterprises will be renewed. Specialists need up to several days to carry out some research. The final decision, after receiving the documents from Belarus, will be taken by the Russians.

Rosselkhoznadzor banned the supply of food products from more than 20 Belarusian enterprises. The reason for it was the alledged non-conformity of food consignments with the standards and requirements stipulated by the legislation of Russia and the Customs Union.

Gradually, however, Belarusian enterprises were excluded from the black list. On 4 December, ban on exports to Russia from Kalinkavichy meat-packing plant was lifted. The decision was made during a Moscow meeting between Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Rusy and the head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergei Dankvert. Then the veterinary services of the two countries decided, starting from 9 December, to conduct joint inspections of Belarusian enterprises that had their supplies limited. Three groups of Russian specialists came to our country for this.

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