Russia-Ukraine war

"In these circumstances, the appropriate decision would be an expansion of opportunities for Belarusians" / Sample photo
"In these circumstances, the appropriate decision would be an expansion of opportunities for Belarusians" / Sample photo
Earlier, Latvian Saeima called on the EU to suspend the issuance of visas not only to citizens of Russia but also to Belarusians.
Meriem Herasimenka /
Meriem Herasimenka /
Belarusian singer is detained after defiant pro-Ukraine performance in Minsk's night-life district.
Propagandists are now in TikTok/
Propagandists are now in TikTok/
Famous tiktokers are persuaded to feature in political ads
Aliaksey Viacherni /
Aliaksey Viacherni /
He was sentenced to 1 year and 9 months in prison.
Belarus trades almost no technological goods with Europe but supplies a lot for construction/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belarus trades almost no technological goods with Europe but supplies a lot for construction/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belstat hid the data, but we learned what exactly Belarus sells to Europe
Belarusian athletes in Poland may be asked to confirm in writing before competitions that they are against the war / pixabay
Belarusian athletes in Poland may be asked to confirm in writing before competitions that they are against the war / pixabay
Polish authorities have proposed recommendations for sports bodies how to interact with Russian and Belarusian athletes.
Russian military equipment / sample photo
Russian military equipment / sample photo
Belarusian pentathletes will not be allowed to participate in international tournaments /
Belarusian pentathletes will not be allowed to participate in international tournaments /
This decision was made by the UIPM.
Kim Jong-un recognized the "L/DNR" / Euroradio
Kim Jong-un recognized the "L/DNR" / Euroradio
"The harm would be disproportionately greater."