"Vacations Rock" gathers kings and becomes best musical event of the year

"Drum Ecstasy" played a melodic set with an electric upright bass, “Krama” performed its best songs, “Neuro Dubel” rehearsed its anniversary and “the Lyapises” simply aroused the audience. See here for photos
"Vacations Rock"  pleased the soul, heart, feet and heads so much that it can be added to the honour hall of the Belarusian rock and called the super event of the year. A report about the yesterday’s show will appear soon and now you can look through our photo report!

Mahileu “Avant-guard school” opens “Vacations Rock”

"Drum Extasy" add melodic drive

Ihar Varashkevich should not have been worried about the short time allocated to them. “Krama” aroused the audience and people started signing about beer, rain, a guy and Belarus


Alyaksandr Kulіnkovіch invited the present to the 25-th anniversary of his band on November 25 and sang old and new hits

"Neuro Dubel"

You can be sure that the concert was cool not only for the audience but also for a band “Lyapis Trubyatskoi”. Mihalok was in good mood and it was noticeable. He was a PROPHET. One could not but believe him.