Young professionals to end up at bankrupt enterprises?

Belarusian factories have already filed their requests for young professionals with the country's leading universities. But some of those enterprises have wage arrears for several months.
The European Radio for Belarus explores if young professionals can end up in "slavery" at insolvent enterprises.

It appears that "slavery" can be avoided, as young professionals have the right to a new assignment. But one should be vigilant in order not to trade bad for worse.

A human resources worker at the Belarusian National Technical University has commented on this situation. If a factory goes bankrupt or does not need young professionas for some reason, it is obliged to notify the university two months before the employment and cancel the request.

But if a young professional is already assigned to an insolvent enterprise, he or she has the right to cancel the assignment while the university will look for a new job.

The Minsk-based bike-maker Motovelo is one of the enterprise that has problems paying wages to workers. Reports circulated on the inernet suggest that Motovel has been at halt for at least two months. The following information was posted at the web site of Minsk City Hall:

“Due to the wage arrears, Minsk's Leninski district office of the prosecutor made an inquiry over the violation by Motovelo Corp. of Article 73 in the Labor Code of Belarus.

After the inquiry, Motovelo CEO V. Shchagelski was subjected to administrative punishment. Besides, he was ordered to make immediate wage payments to the staff of the factory”.

Meanwhile, Motovelo has already filed requests for young professionals, less than last yeat, though. The management also refutes allegations of wage arrears.
