19:16 Protests against Russian commander in Kobryn

The members of the Right Alliance organization staged in the town of Kobryn a protest action against the construction of an Orthodox Christian church to be named after the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov. The protesteres sent a petition to the local mayor, demanding to halt the construction and to honor instead the memory of General Taddeus Kosciusko who spearheaded an uprising against the Russian rule in Belarus in the 19th century.

Two thousand leaflets, describing how Suvorov suppressed the liberation uprising in the local areas, were disseminated around the town, reports pbnf.org.

The press office of the Belarusian Orthodox Church made a statement saying that the idea of naming the church after Suvorov emerged in some Russian groups and fueled by the Russian media. The Belarusian Orthodox Church said it had no plans to name the church after Suvorov.