20:04 “Amnesty International” urges to ransom Zmitser Dashkevich

From March 19 till March 21 the human rights protection organization “Amnesty International” will conduct an action “1 cent for protection of human rights” in support of a Belarusian youth activist Zmitser Dasskevich sentenced to imprisonment.
Human rights defenders ask people to transmit 1 cent on one of the Belarusian Embassy’s accounts in Germany with a note “Freedom to Dashkevich!”.

The action is dated for the anniversary of the presidential election in Belarus and its aim is “to express protest against human rights violation in the country and to demand freedom for the Belarusian activist”, reports the German affiliate of “Amnesty International”.

Let us remind you that Dashkevish was sentenced to 1.5 years of imprisonment for acting on behalf of an unregistered organization in November 2006. “Amnesty International” considers the politician to be a prisoner of conscience.