Azarov: Ukraine will not join Customs Union on December 17

The Ukrainian and Russian Presidents are not going to sign any documents connected with Ukraine joining the Customs Union on December 17, Ukrainian PM Nikolai Azarov told the TV channel Inter.

The interstate documents should be adopted by the Cabinet first, Azarov noted:

“There are no documents connected with the Customs Union among the ones sent to the interstate commission. This is just speculation,” UNIAN quotes Azarov.

A big set of documents connected with Russia-Ukraine relations in the gas sphere will be prepared by December 17, the PM said. The gas prices in Ukraine may reach the average European level, Azarov thinks.

"Both sides are ready to settle the gas issue and we have not asked for any discounts. We only mentioned the European principles of pricing and we are hoping to solve the problem at the meeting,” quotes Azarov.

The final decision will be made at the meeting of Victor Yanukovich and Vladimir Putin on December 17.
