Belarusian anarchist, detained in Moscow, transferred to KGB's pre-trial detention center

The lawyer on duty has infomed the activists's mother that he is in the notorious KGB prison in Minsk. 
According to the web-site "Viasna", Ihar's friends had been looking for him in all the police departments and detention centers of Moscow for more than two days. However, Russian law-enforcement agencies denied there was such an arrestee. They managed to find Ihar Alinevich's relatives in Belarus only in the evening on November 30. Ihar's relatives informed he was detained in Minsk. 

His friends does not exclude he might be transported to Belarus illegally. The policemen could officially execute detention at the territory of Belarus in order not to waste time for extradition procedures. Ihar Alinevich is suspected in attacks on the Russian embassy and the Defense Ministry’s General Headquarters in autumn 2010. Let us remind you, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskevich and Maxim Vetkin are accused of the same. 

Zmitser Dubouski, another accused on the arsons case, is now in retrieval.