Bookstore Lohvinau

216 thousand roubles has been raised so far.
The employees will take ‘a leave for creative work’ on July 1, LohvinaU bookshop says in a statement.

In 2014, the bookstore tried to obtain the license six times to no avail.

The independent publisher Lohvinau has raised about Br976 million without taxes from private donations to pay the fine of Br967 millions.

The publisher has been given two more months to pay his Br 5.4 million fine and Br960 million of confiscated income.

They have asked the Belarusian authorities to cancel the fine and give a license to the publisher.

About 1,000 people donated money to collect $67,000 necessary to pay the fine.

The bookshop has asked to postpone the payment of the fine for six months.

Most independent publishers have not been invited to the fair.