BSU Administration bans performance about Branislau Tarashkevich

Адміністрацыя БДУ забараніла спектакль пра Браніслава Тарашкевіча

After two shows the performance "Branislau. Scenes from Life and Dreams", dedicated to the personality of the Belarusian scientist Branislau Tarashkevich repressed under Stalin was cancelled.

The play by Eldar Byakirov was staged by the student theater "On the balcony" of the Belarusian State University. The play premiered on November 14th. But then the actors saw the ad on the theater door: "Performance of  "Branislau" canceled!!!"

Shows were scheduled for 18, 20 and 23 November. They were canceled by the Department of the Cultural Affairs of the Belarusian State University. This became known on November 17 after the second show of the play.

Director Eldar Byakirov said that now the creative team is forced to look for a new stage for the continued existence of the performance. He did not agree with the fact that the audience will not see production. "We were not lold the specific reason for the ban of the play. I can assure you that we do not offend or insult anyone in the play," said Byakirov in a commentary to the site

Now the director and actors are looking for a new place for the play.
