
The Belarus president tells a meeting of media editors in Minsk that political prisoner Ales Bialiatski could be amnestied.

CEC chairwoman Lidziya Yarmozhyna comments on attempts by some opposition parties to register nomination groups in several constituencies at a time.

The Belarus president is meeting today in Minsk with the heads of major media houses.

Ex-political prisoner Zmicier Dashkevich is accused of violating the preventive police supervision rules.

Vital Zyalkouski, widely known in the web as a 'too serious tourist from Belarus' became a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus on January 17.

Hanna Shchadryna, recently off from the EU travel ban, will attend a literary seminar in Vilnius at the invitation o European Humanities University.

The member of Belarusian Chrtistian Democracy party's steering committee is serving his sentence in Mahilyou prison #4.

A total of 233 representatives of political parties enter 364 election commissions across Belarus

The hasty decision is illegal and should be appealed in court, reckon local pro-democracy activists.