Lukashenka caricature replica stolen in Minsk (photo)

У Мінску скралі копію карціны, на якой карыкатурна намаляваны Лукашэнка (фота)

A stranger stole a panting replica depicting Aliaksandr Lukashenka and 12 Belarusian government officials. The painting by famous artist Ales Marachkin is titled The Belarusian Toys.


The incident occurred during the signature-collection picket in support of entrepreneurs’ movement activist Alyaksandr Taustyka near the Centralny supermarket in the Belarusian capital of Minsk. While policemen were checking the picketers’ IDs, a man wearing shorts and a hoodie got hold of the replica of the painting and ran away towards GUM, BelaPAN reports.


The picketers are going to lodge a robbery complaint with the police.


У Мінску скралі копію карціны, на якой карыкатурна намаляваны Лукашэнка (фота)