Currency basket exchange rate exceeds initial level

The exchange rate of the currency basket to the Belarusian rouble has exceeded the initial level for the first time. The exchange rate of the currency basket consisting of the US dollar, euro and Russian rouble is about 960 roubles for the period of March 14-16. It is almost 9 roubles more that on March 13.

The exchange rate of the currency basket has been steadily increasing since March 6.

The information department of the National Bank distributed a press release on March 13. It said that the rate of the currency basket established for the weekend “corresponded to its initial level”. The exchange rate of the Belarusian rouble has decreased by 8.7% to the US dollar, by 0.6% to euro and by 8.3% to Russian rouble.

The rate of the currency basket will be supported by the National Bank “within the 5% range of the permissible deviation corridor”.