Directors of 3 big enterprises dismissed in Mahilou region

Three heads of major Mahilyou Province enterprises have been dismissed. They were CEOs of Paper Factory Spartak, Mahilyou Metallurgic Plant and Babruiskselmash. The Mahilou Regional Executive Committee made the decision on November 13 after considering the results reached by the industry in 2014.  

The bad economic condition of the mentioned enterprises was the reason for the dismissal of their CEOs, BELTA notes. Head of Mahilyou Province Executive Committee Pyotr Rudnik made use of Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s permission to make any staff changes until November 15. It was given to stabilize the situation in the region.

The main tasks of the real sector of the economy is to produce and sell goods, pay wages on time and pay taxes, Rudnik stressed. “The new CEOs will have to work as hard as the previous ones and even harder,” the head of the province noted.

Photo: Fotolia
